I had more than 10 years’ experience in designing, developing and managing the monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) for different sustainable development programs. Together with the inputs from M&E Specialists, I worked with different clients to ensure proper monitoring, data quality assessment (DQA), evaluation, reporting and knowledge management (KM). . In addition, I worked with different implementing partners and the project’s team members to conduct performance assessment and impact evaluation for the program. I also worked with MEL specialist to upload data and reports to the TrainNET, Development Experience Clearinghouse.
Under the GMS-CEP, I provided technical inputs to design M&E indicators for the Biodiversity Landscapes and Livelihoods Component; conducted the baseline assessment of the key non-timber forest product (NTFP) value chains in six GMS countries as well as the mid-term evaluation of the GMS-CEP-Phase 2 in 2015 in close collaboration with the National Support Units of six GMS countries. Under the SUFORD, I provided technical support to formulate M&E indicators and targets for the Sustainable Forest and Village Development Component. I also led the M&E team to successfully conduct the livelihood impact assessment of the of the SUFORD in 2012.
In addition, I served as the Team Leader for the post-evaluation of Local Economic Development (using “Compass Tool”) for the VIE 023 Quang Dien Local Development Project, Hue, Vietnam, funded by the Government of Luxembourg. I also played a Team-Leader role to conduct ex-post monitoring and evaluation for Microfinance Scheme on handicraft Market Development Project in Aluoi district, T.T. Hue, Vietnam, funded by the Indigenous People Fund of the World Bank (Grantee ID: 803642).
I enhanced his M&E knowledge through two comprehensive official training courses on M&E Public Policy Monitoring and Evaluation (under my PhD Program) and Monitoring and Evaluation for Development Projects (under my Master Program). As a result, I designed an M&E Framework to measure of the PFES Policy in Vietnam (See Figure below). I also completed the Intermediate Quantitative Method course with the outstanding result (A+ score under the Master Program). These theory knowledge and empirical skills have enabled me to be competent M&E professional.
Note: H1, H2, H3 are three hypotheses that the PhD research tested.
(Source: PhD Dissertation of Do Dang Teo, 2019)