Integrated Food Security Project (ISFP) Quang Binh implemented by GFA Consulting Group GmbH and GIZ

The EURO 10.3 mil Quang Binh IFSP was funded by the GIZ and GVN to reduce acute and chronic malnutrition at household level in Quang Binh Province. The Project was administered by the MPI/DPI and MARD/DARD of Vietnam with the technical assistance from GFA and GIZ. One of the technical components of the IFSP were to: (i) design and development participatory agroforestry extension management methods, test and replicate these methods in the target project areas; (ii) study and review the local farming system and practices, and determine the appropriate farming systems that would improve sustainable livelihoods of local people, contributing to achieve the overall goal of the Project; (iii) establish demonstration pilots on agro-forestry-based sloping cultivation approaches to increase productivity, contributing to food security for the target groups; (iv) assist and support the business development services to promote small business on agricultural and NTFPs; promoting pro-poor value chain analysis, and rural marketing development for potential products; and (v) be responsible for monitoring and evaluation of the agricultural development component of the project. As a result, the Project has contributed to pursuing “a twin-track strategy to obtain both short- and long-term impacts. In the short term, IFSPs relieve acute food deficits, while also mobilizing human resources to generate the productive and social framework required for long-term food and nutrition security”.